Why Trending Data is Important
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Why Trending Data is Important Case Study: Predictive Activities – Trending {{cta(‘236ffbef-9183-4718-9aa0-b9b2e33e85c9’)}} This case history takes place in a packaging facility in Virginia. The packer on module E5 was checked for vibration integrity during a pre- machine care evaluation. A problem was detected in the folding arm gearbox. The frequency characteristics indicated a bearing was deteriorating. This seems very straight

Should a Procedure = Practice?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Should a Procedure = Practice? I often ask my classes ‘If we follow our procedures to the letter, do nothing more and nothing less; would we optimize our system productivity, safety and reliability?’ The answer is NO. If anyone on this forum has ever worked in a union environment in the manufacturing world, they will attest that doing this (follow

Understanding the Principles of Reliability
Reading Time: 8 minutes
Understanding the Principles of Reliability Abstract: The Reliability Approach… “Something understood and practiced by engineers and highly specialized technicians,” is apt to be the first reaction of the line supervisor, “certainly not an area where I can be expected to become involved.” Although this reaction is understandable; nothing is farther from reality. Let’s explore why in this paper. Please read

‘De-Flate Gate’ & RCA
Reading Time: 2 minutes
‘De-Flate Gate’ & RCA Originally published on January 23, 2015

Root Cause Analysis: The Justification Game
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Root Cause Analysis: The Justification Game Part 2 of 2 Maintenance Solutions In last month’s introductory article, we discussed some of the barriers to selling not only the concept of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) but also the recommendations generated as a result of these analyses. We also laid the framework for making better predictions by generating and accessing better data—namely

Root Cause Analysis: Investment or Expense?
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Root Cause Analysis: Investment or Expense? Abstract: In times that promise to be a financial challenge for many corporations, we must make decisions as to where to invest our scarce dollars and where to cut from our current operations. When faced with these decisions, we must be realistic and pragmatic about how short-term decisions impact our long-term goals. Yes, when times are

PROACTOnDemand: Collect Evidence In The Field Using Mobile Devices
Reading Time: < 1 minute
PROACTOnDemand: Collect Evidence In The Field Using Mobile Devices Managing an investigation itself is often the most arduous task of conducting a Root Cause Analysis (RCA). The new PROACTOnDemand Investigation Management System allows investigators to collect field evidence on mobile devices and upload them to their respective RCA’s in the cloud. This makes conducting RCA’s much more efficient and effective for only

What is RCA? Separating the Tools from the Methodologies
Reading Time: 5 minutes
What is RCA? Separating the Tools from the Methodologies By Bob Latino, CEO, Reliability Center, Inc. Abstract: If we have heard it once, we have heard it a million times – “let’s do an RCA on that failure”. The problem here is that phrase will mean something different to everyone who says it. What is an RCA? That is a question even the notable

The Keys to a High Reliability Organization: Priority, Proaction & Focus
Reading Time: 8 minutes
Abstract: RCA has an image problem and needs a public relations agent to reshape its reputation in the healthcare industry! RCA is primarily viewed as a reactive tool. This perception is how we have been conditioned by various regulatory agencies that require us to do RCA under very specific circumstances (usually when something very bad has occurred). When such ‘Sentinel Events’ occur, then we

Corporate Memory: Capturing Employee Experience Before they Retire in the Tropics!
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Corporate Memory: Capturing Employee Experience Before they Retire in the Tropics! Robert J. Latino, CEO, Reliability Center, Inc., www.reliability.com Why do our Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) dictate that equipment is an asset and our employees are liabilities? Don’t our executives always tell us ‘our people are our greatest assets?’ How come our financials don’t support their assertion? How come during

The ‘Soft Side’ of RCA: Management’s Role in ‘Effective’ Training
Reading Time: 5 minutes
The ‘Soft Side’ of RCA: Management’s Role in ‘Effective’ Training By Robert J. Latino, CEO, Reliability Center, Inc. Abstract: In an era of rapidly advancing technology, the need for training to keep up is imperative. But training alone is not the panacea to a facility’s problems. Management’s must be aware that the environment in which their people work, will either progress or obstruct

Effective Root Cause Analysis Means Accepting We Could Be Part of the Problem
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Abstract: No matter where we work, we will experience failures or ‘undesirable outcomes’ of some kind. As long as we work with other humans, this will indeed be the case. These failures may surface in the form of production delays, injuries, customer complaints, missed deadlines, lost profits, legal claims and the like. Effective Root Cause Analysis Means Accepting We Could Be Part of