What’s Wrong With The Term “Root Causes”?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
There is great variation when it comes to a common understanding of the term ‘Root Cause Analysis’ or RCA. In a previous, lengthy paper, I wrote an article entitled “The Stigma of RCA: What’s In a Name?“. It focused on common understandings (or misunderstandings) of what RCA means and then described the basic steps of any investigative occupation. I just

The Stigma of RCA: What’s in a Name?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
The Stigma of ‘RCA’ Let’s start off with some honesty…the term ‘RCA’ (Root Cause Analysis) is quite vague, misleading and easily misinterpreted by those who are not immersed in its use. It is a useless and counter-productive term because there is no universally accepted, standard definition. Therefore, any process/tool someone is using to solve a problem is likely to be labelled as

RCA in Action: The Space Shuttle Columbia Investigation
Reading Time: 3 minutes
As is typical in our manufacturing organizations, oftentimes it takes high visibility events with catastrophic consequences for a full-blown Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to be conducted. Many of us still have fresh memories of Challenger in our minds from over 17 years ago, and now we are faced with another investigation of equal (if not greater) magnitude.

Root Cause Analysis Without Verification is Conventional Wisdom
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Root cause analyses are done every day all over the world. Organizations do root cause analysis because it is good business. From an explosion in an auto parts plant to the wrong prescription being given to a patient. Events such as these can have dramatic monetary, physical and psychological effects on an organization. To solve problems down to the true

Hidden Treasure: Eliminating Chronic Failures Can Cut Maintenance Costs Up To 60%
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Every year, U.S. industry spends well over $300 billion on plant maintenance and operations. An estimated 80% of these dollars are expended to correct chronic failures of machines, systems, and people that occur daily, even hourly, in plants across the country.

Workers Are Industry’s Most Important Resource: Harness Their Power by Mastering the Art of Serving
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Why are Human Assets Important? A realization that appears to be taking hold in corporate America today is that the answer to increased productivity and higher profits lies not in downsizing or even computers. Rather, it is the people who operate our plants and build our products who are our most precious assets. As such, they must be nurtured, encouraged,

Here Lies Troubleshooting: In Today’s Competitive World, “Analysts” Find Real Solutions
Reading Time: 5 minutes
In many ways, this article is a requiem for a time-honored function in plants and processing facilities throughout the chemical industry. In today’s competitive environment, where survival often depends on increasing efficiency to the maximum and reducing costs the minimum, it may be time to lay the traditional concept of “troubleshooting” to its final rest. In its place, we need

Tesoro Escondido: Eliminando Fallas Crónicas Puede Reducirse el Costo de Mantenimiento Hasta en un 60%
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Cada año, la industria estadounidense gasta bastante más de $300 mil millones de dólares en mantenimiento de la planta y sus operaciones. Un estimado 80% de esos dólares se gastan en corregir fallas crónicas en las máquinas y sistemas así como errores humanos. Esto está pasando a toda hora y en toda clase de industrias.

Become An Equipment Reliability Detective: Preserve Failure Data
Reading Time: 6 minutes
It’s amazing how quickly failure data (evidence) can disappear after a ‘failure’ has occurred. Following such an unexpected incident, there is sometimes a lot of confusion. Most sporadic/acute incidents occur on off-shifts or on weekends which can add to the confusion. Statistically, for a continuous manufacturing operation, there are more night and weekend hours than normal single-shift operating hours. Nobody

Nylon Plant Case Study
Reading Time: 2 minutes
This case study took place at a nylon plant in Virginia which at the time provided major amounts of nylon to the tire and carpet industries. The plant was incapable of achieving design capacity of 334,000,000 lbs. annually.

Fighting Failure: Changing A Plant’s Culture To No Longer Accept Failure
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Failure has become a part of every industrial culture around the world; it permeates everything we do in an industrial facility. It is so much a part of our existence that we create elaborate work management and data systems to manage the sheer volume. It is time to change our paradigm to a culture where failure is the exception and

How to Select the “RIGHT” Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Vendor?
Reading Time: 4 minutes
With RCA being a buzzword of the weeks, companies are faced with a slew of new vendors with numerous RCA methods and practices to help provide you attain quantum results. How do you decide who is going to help you get the most ROI from your RCA? What are your criteria for choosing an RCA Company? Programmatic analysis, barrier analysis,