Aplicación de la metodología análisis causa raíz plus en las fallas recurrentes de un motor-ventilador

Updated: January 5, 2022

Reading Time: < 1 minute


Aplicación de la metodología análisis causa raíz plus en las fallas recurrentes de un motor-ventilador

English Abstract: Operating reliability is defined as the probability that a physical asset, system or person performs the desired function within its defined operational context for a specific period of time. It only occurs when you have an integrated and aligned set of technical, operational and administrative activities interrelated, through resource allocation and service delivery which contributes to human reliability assurance, process reliability, equipment reliability and design reliability. One practice that helps to improve operational reliability — specifically equipment reliability, reliability of processes and human reliability— is the root cause analysis methodology, which helps to eliminate undesirable events through structured, systematic, and disciplined methods. This document will show how to proceed to analyze and report the findings identified according to the level of complexity and impact of the deviations through use of the methodology RCA plus.

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