Corporate Memory: Capturing Employee Experience Before they Retire in the Tropics!
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Corporate Memory: Capturing Employee Experience Before they Retire in the Tropics! Robert J. Latino, CEO, Reliability Center, Inc., Why do our Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) dictate that equipment is an asset and our employees are liabilities? Don’t our executives always tell us ‘our people are our greatest assets?’ How come our financials don’t support their assertion? How come during
Why Can’t Learning Teams (LT) & RCA Teams be Friends?
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Why Can’t Learning Teams (LT) and RCA Teams be Friends? A Little History About How I Came Across Learning Teams. A little over three years ago I was asked to speak at a conference that was entitled, Human Performance, Root Cause and Trending or HPRCT (great conference BTW and I encourage you to attend). This was a different world for me as I typically