Name That Failure | Part 3
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Can you identify and name this fracture pattern? How can you tell it is that fracture pattern? Where are the origin(s) of the failure on the fractured surface? How can you tell where the origin(s) are?
Root Cause Analysis: Investment or Expense?
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Root Cause Analysis: Investment or Expense? Abstract: In times that promise to be a financial challenge for many corporations, we must make decisions as to where to invest our scarce dollars and where to cut from our current operations. When faced with these decisions, we must be realistic and pragmatic about how short-term decisions impact our long-term goals. Yes, when times are
Accepting We Could Be Part of the Problem
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Abstract: No matter where we work, we will experience failures or ‘undesirable outcomes’ of some kind. As long as we work with other humans, this will indeed be the case. These failures may surface in the form of production delays, injuries, customer complaints, missed deadlines, lost profits, legal claims and the like. In order to prevent the recurrence of any such undesirable outcome,