Fighting Failure: Changing A Plant’s Culture To No Longer Accept Failure
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Failure has become a part of every industrial culture around the world; it permeates everything we do in an industrial facility. It is so much a part of our existence that we create elaborate work management and data systems to manage the sheer volume. It is time to change our paradigm to a culture where failure is the exception and
Name That Failure | Part 3
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Can you identify and name this fracture pattern? How can you tell it is that fracture pattern? Where are the origin(s) of the failure on the fractured surface? How can you tell where the origin(s) are?
Why Reliability Professionals Can Frustrate the Hell Out Of Others!
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Why Reliability Professionals Can Frustrate the Hell Out Of Others! I guess I am writing this just as a reality/sanity check to see if it’s just me, or do my peers in the Reliability profession have the same problems I do, communicating with non-Reliability professionals? If anyone has been in the Reliability game for a long period of time (I