What is the Correlation Between Root Cause Analysis and Swiss Cheese?
Reading Time: < 1 minute
What is the Correlation Between Root Cause Analysis and Swiss Cheese? As long as humans are involved in running our organizations, there will be holes (vulnerabilities) in our cheese. This is why I state that we will never have American cheese (no holes) representing our safety systems, because this would imply they would be failsafe and not impenetrable. The Swiss cheese
Tips for Examining Shafts: Prepping for a Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Reading Time: 7 minutes
Tips for Examining Shafts: Prepping for a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Note to Series Readers. To those following this Series, I will apologize for the front-end redundancy. I am doing so for those that are NOT following the Series and will read these articles independent of each other. If you are following the series (Thank You!) and proceed past the front-end