EasyRCA Continues To Grow Its Features, Customer Base, & Strategic Partnerships.
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Our newest software offering, EasyRCA, continues to grow with both an increasing user base as well as with strategic partnerships. One example is a partnership agreement announced this week with Uptake. Through this non-exclusive partnership, EasyRCA has once again validated itself as a powerful solution for helping Reliability Teams increase their ROI while completing better, faster RCAs. “Joining RCI’s root

RCA Principal Analysts vs Subject Matter Experts: What’s the Difference?
Reading Time: 11 minutes
Abstract: An undesirable event occurs (fancy term for unexpected failure) a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is triggered. This usually means what occurred is a severe event as triggers are often set pretty high (i.e. – reportable injury/fatality, equipment damage in excess of >$$k, production losses in excess of > $$k, regulatory violation, etc.). Since there is urgency and visibility, how

‘Facebook’ Maintenance & Reliability: The Illusion of Performance
Reading Time: 10 minutes
Abstract: I used to be on Facebook many years ago in an effort to keep up with old friends. However, I began to realize the forum was often used to create an illusion that someone wanted their community to have about them. I knew many of these people creating such illusions, that is how I know they were ‘illusions’. Their

Chronic Failures: Treasures in Plain Sight
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Chronic Failures = Hidden Treasures When we look at the widely used and misunderstood tool of Root Cause Analysis (RCA), we should reflect its interpretation in our own environments. Think about it: when is RCA typically requested and applied in our environment? Based on my experience, it is typically requested and applied when…

PROACTOnDemand: Collect Evidence In The Field Using Mobile Devices
Reading Time: < 1 minute
PROACTOnDemand: Collect Evidence In The Field Using Mobile Devices Managing an investigation itself is often the most arduous task of conducting a Root Cause Analysis (RCA). The new PROACTOnDemand Investigation Management System allows investigators to collect field evidence on mobile devices and upload them to their respective RCA’s in the cloud. This makes conducting RCA’s much more efficient and effective for only