Why Parts Fail
The Mechanical FSI course enhances the analyst’s ability to follow the discipline of the PROACT® methodology by increasing the individual’s internal practical and theoretical mechanical knowledge.
Course title:
Why Parts Fail
In Person or Interactive | 1 Day
Prerequisites : None
Who is this for?
- Principal Analysts
- Engineers
- RCA Facilitators
- Reliability Engineers
Certification Course
Topics Covered:
Course Description
This course provides an understanding of how to verify hypotheses developed in RCA. Sessions are made to teach attendees how to identify mechanical failure modes by reading fracture surfaces.
Part of a principal analyst’s role is to be aware of technology available for verifying. They do not necessarily have to be an expert in the “how to” but rather they must know when to apply a certain technology and who can do it.
This is three two-hour sessions which is recommended for lead investigators who will be expected to perform RCA in the field.
Course Objective:
Terminal Objectives:
The attendee will:
- Recognize failure patterns from fractured surfaces of physical components.
- Determine when to use certain analytical techniques in the course of an RCA.
- Put Failure Analysis verification techniques in the context of an overall approach to Root Cause Analysis.
Enabling Objectives:
The attendee will be able to:
- Recognize fatigue, ductile, brittle, and torsion failures.
- Recognize ball and roller bearing failure/modes.
- Recognize power transmission failure/modes.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, you will learn:
- Recognize failure patterns from fractured surfaces of physical components. Determine when to use certain analytical techniques in the course of an RCA.
- Put Failure Analysis verification techniques in the context of an overall approach to Root Cause Analysis.
- Recognize fatigue, ductile, brittle, and torsion failures.
- Recognize ball and roller bearing failure/modes.
- Recognize power transmission failure/modes.
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